NISM Series Merchant Banking Certification Mock Test - Free Demo


NISM Series IX: Merchant Banking Certification Mock Test – Free Demo

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1. PQR wants to become a merchant banker and is applying to SEBI. What is the minimum net worth needed for this?

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2. For a company to go through the ‘Fast Track Issue’ process for a public offering, it needs to have resolved a minimum of _____ of the total grievances or complaints from shareholders or investors.

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3. In situations where there is a devolvement on underwriters, the merchant banker must make sure that the notice for devolvement, which includes the obligations of the underwriters, is issued within a period of _____ days from the date of closing the issue.

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4. A listed company coming out with a Rights issue need not file the draft offer document with SEBI – State True or False ?

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5. According to SEBI SAST regulations, the open offer for acquiring shares made by the acquirer must be for at least ________ percent of the total shares of the target company, as of the 10th working day from the closure of the tendering period.

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In India, Merchant Banking operations began in 1967, initiated by ________.

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7. The money market, handling bonds and deposits, is overseen by the _______.

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8. True or False: A merger happens when two companies join to create an entirely new enterprise, and neither of the original companies continues to exist independently.

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True or False: Warrants may be issued alongside a public issue or rights issue of specified securities, but the duration of such warrants should not exceed 24 months from their date of allotment in the public/rights issue.

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Every merchant banker must provide SEBI with all the details of a securities acquisition transaction involving a corporate entity whose issue is managed by that merchant banker within _______ days from the date of making such a transaction.

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