NISM Series I: Currency Derivatives MockTest – Free Demo


NISM Series I: Currency Derivatives Mock Test – Free Demo

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1. Tick size depends on –

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2. If the liquid assets held by clearing member Mr. Ram exceed those of clearing member Mr. Shyam, which of the following statements is/are accurate?

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3. How much Initial Margin does the broker need to collect from both traders, Mr. Raj and Mr. Rahul, who want to sell 10 contracts of the June series at Rs.5200 and buy 5 contracts of the July series at Rs.5250, respectively, given that the lot size for both contracts is 50 and the fixed Initial Margin is 10%?

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4. What is the term for a trading strategy in which a trader simultaneously purchases a call and a put option with the same strike price and expiration date?

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5. When is the scheduled introduction date for the April index future contract on NSE among the following options?

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6. Closing a long position in a PUT option can be achieved by initiating a short position in a CALL option.

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7. How can a long position in a CALL option be effectively terminated or offset?

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8. What is the term for the strategy of purchasing a put option on a stock that you already own?

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9. The intrinsic value, calculated as the variance between the Market Price and Strike Price of the option, is always non-negative.

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10. A stock exchange employs online surveillance capabilities to monitor the __________.

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